Rebecca Knockwood has been re-elected as chief of Fort Folly First Nation in New Brunswick.
Knockwood received 43 votes while her lone opponent, Hanford Nye, received 24 votes in the band election which was held on November 23. This election was the fourth time Nye, a retired prison guard, ran for chief of Fort Folly First Nation.
Both Michael Knockwood and Joseph Knockwood were able to retain their seats on council with 42 and 33 votes, respectively.
Rebecca Knockwood was first elected as chief in 2013 after serving on band council for approximately 10 years.
The current chief and council’s term expires on December 2, 2015.
In an interview with Kukukwes.com on November 11, Knockwood promised, if elected, to continue on with her plans to increase housing units, acquire more land and seek better economic development opportunities for Fort Folly.
There were 110 band members eligible to vote in the Fort Folly band election. Voter turnout for the election was approximately 61 per cent with 67 band members casting ballots.
Fort Folly First Nation is located approximately 14 kilometres west of Sackville, N.B.
According to the federal Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada website, the yearly honorarium for chief and council is $12,000.
Fort Folly First Nation has 35 band members on reserve and 96 band members off reserve.