Jan. 15: Jordan Chasse, George Denny, Nathan Toney and Jonathan Johnson

The fishery trial for Jordan Chasse, George Denny, Nathan Toney and Jonathan Johnson in Digby Provincial Court was adjourned on Jan. 15 due to technical difficulties connecting all parties via conference call.
Jordan Chasse, 31, from Sipekne’katik First Nation, George Denny, 44, and Jonathan Johnson, 42, of Eskasoni First Nation are charged with possessing lobster during a closed season, lobster fishing without proper tags issued by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and without authorization. The alleged offences occurred. on Aug. 20, 2020 at or near St. Mary’s Bay.
Chasse, Denny and Nathan Toney, 43, from Eskasoni are also charged with violating the Fisheries Act by possessing lobster and violating the Atlantic Fisheries Regulations by fishing for lobster. Those offences are alleged to have occurred on Sept. 20, 2020 at or near Weymouth, N.S.
Chasse is additionally charged with failing to comply with the conditions of a fishery licence by retaining more than 90 lobsters per day and making a false statement to a fishery officer.
Judge Timothy Landry has adjourned the case until Feb. 21 in Annapolis Royal Provincial Court to set new dates for the trial.
Jan. 15: Noah Johnson, Dennis Evans and Levi Paul

A provincial court judge in Yarmouth, N.S. has issued and released bench warrants for Noah Johnson, Dennis Evans and Levi Paul.
Judge James Burrill issued the warrants when the Mi’kmaw fishermen failed to appear in Yarmouth Provincial Court on Jan. 15.
Federal crown attorney Alex Pink informed the court the three men were arrested and released in Nov. 2023 for previously failing to appear in court.
Johnson, 32, from Potlotek First Nation, Evans, 26, and Paul, 41, from the Sipekne’katik First Nation are each charged with failing to comply with a fishing licence and unlawfully possessing lobster traps on board a vessel during a closed commercial season. Paul is additionally charged with fishing for lobster without authorization.
The alleged offences happened on August 11, 2021, at or near St. Mary’s Bay, N.S. but the trio were not formally charged until Oct. 3, 2022.
Jan. 18: Cory Francis

A trial got underway in Digby Provincial Court for Cory Francis, 54, who is charged with two fishery violations.
Francis, a member of the Wasoqopa’q (Acadia) First Nation is accused of fishing for lobster and unlawfully possessing lobster traps onboard a vessel during a closed commercial season.
The alleged offence took place at or near Saulnierville, N.S. on August 20, 2021 but he wasn’t charged until September 13, 2022.
Federal crown attorney Alex Pink called one witness, a fishery officer with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, during the trial. Francis, who represented himself, did not call any witnesses.
Judge Timothy Landry adjourned the trial until Mar. 25 for final submissions.